MAGES 4.0: Accelerating the World’s Transition to VR Training and Democratizing the Authoring of the Medical Metaverse

Published in IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl. , 2023

Recommended citation: Zikas, P., Protopsaltis, A., Lydatakis, N., Kentros, M., Geronikolakis, S., Kateros, S., Kamarianakis, M., Evangelou, G., Filippidis, A., Grigoriou, E., Angelis, D., Tamiolakis, M., Dodis, M., Kokiadis, G., Petropoulos, J., Pateraki, M., Papagiannakis, G., "MAGES 4.0: Accelerating the World's Transition to VR Training and Democratizing the Authoring of the Medical Metaverse", IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl. 43, 2, 43-56. DOI:, 2023

In this work, we propose MAGES 4.0, a novel software development kit to accelerate the creation of collaborative medical training applications in virtual/augmented reality (VR/AR).

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